Nicole Mychasiuk | Employee Spotlight
We have a great team in Calgary, Edmonton and Kelowna, and want you to meet them! Next up, Nicole Mychasiuk.

Meet Nicole Mychasiuk
Title: Arborist – Outside Sales
Team Member Since: 2006-2011 and rejoined in sales in 2021
Career Path
Q: Describe your career path. How did you get into what you do now?
A: I spent several years working with ArborCare in 2006. I started out as a pesticide applicator, getting certified right away. The following year, I asked to be put on a tree crew as I was eager to learn. The next couple of years I spent working with some ArborCare legends. I worked very hard to earn their respect and soaked up everything they would teach me. Quickly, I discovered I loved to climb trees and even competed in the international tree climbing competition. I operated a 65’ aerial truck, operated the crane truck, and helped out in the winter driving snowplows. I spent one year on the sales side, doing the estimates before I ended my career with ArborCare around 2010/2011 before returning this year.
Q: Explain your position. Describe your role with the company.
A: I am an arborist and my role is outside sales. My main role with the company is to do a full assessment of the client’s property — mainly residential and some commercial properties and provide them with a quote for our tree services and landscaping services. My territory is Calgary and the surrounding area.
Life at Wright Tree Service of Canada & ArborCare
Q: What is your favourite part about your job/working for the company?
A: People call us because they need an expert’s advice. The majority of the work we do is extremely dangerous and the attention to detail needs to be on point and I get to create that. I have been given the freedom and flexibility to help this company grow and I’m excited to be part of this future.
Q: Who has played an influential part during your time with the company & why?
A: Corrine Winfield — she reached out to me and invited me back after all these years. I am beyond grateful to be back at ArborCare and look forward to building a future with this company.
Q: What are some words you would use to describe Wright Tree Service of Canada / ArborCare?
A: Plain and simple, great company! Always has been and always will be.
Q: What are you most passionate about professionally? What excites you most about your work?
A: I take pride in providing everyone with the best information, it’s not just the clients who see what I do, it’s the crews doing the work and the team in the office as well. I’m competitive and work hard to be good at what I do.
Hobbies, Interests & Influences
Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?
A: I’m a busy single mom! My son Radley is 19 months old and keeps me on my toes! I play slo-pitch in the summer and love to travel.
Q: What’s a value statement or quote you live by?
A: Don’t be afraid to start over again. This time, you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience.